Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Water Indicator On Lg Phone


I think I forgot to update with a tiny little detail ... ...
Thursday, November 11 I graduated ... yes, there are successful too!

(the proclamation)

(college kids)

(with my mentor ... holy woman!)

(group Shaolin!)

(Mom and Dad)

In retrospect, however, is saying that coveted degree is not this whole thing . I mean you wake up the next day even with the tasks of the specialist and more you realize that 've worked three years to talk 12 minutes before a commission poor, 90% did not understand a bean that you were saying (and here was the fault of the theme chosen by me) and for the most part, however, nobody was really interested. In addition, the questions were very predictable as the committee chairman.
Beyond this thinking of holding a degree is something I have not yet been realized, perhaps because nothing has changed since after the first!
add a small statement at the event (even if this thing was pointed out to me some time) remind me never to play again, I repeat never, poker. Lose the pants saw my little self-control muscles and facial expressions.

Sore Throat Why Does It Hurt More At Night?

Pictures Brakkee Gerla, via sxc.hu

This time the suggestion comes from the book Getting Things Done a 2001 book, translated into Italian with Said and done !, and very popular in the workplace you want dynamic and efficient. But I do not advise you to read an entire book, we save time, remember? I just want to highlight the essential teaching than anything else is trivial disarming me perhaps for this very effective in its execution: a person has the need to clear his mind from the things to do, and record them somewhere. The method is to free the mind from the work of having to remember everything, in order to concentrate instead on the performance of duties. After all they knew even our grandmothers and our mothers, who have always made the list for spending. Why not apply this method to work tasks, ideas to make, gifts to do, places to visit ... already doing so?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

How To Write A Baby Congratulations Card

Past, Present, Future.

One day, walking in the wilderness, a man ran into a ferocious tiger. He ran but soon came to the brink of a precipice.
Walking down a liana found another tiger on the bottom. Then appeared two rats began to gnaw the rope.
Suddenly the man noticed a strawberry red and appetizing, plucked it and ate it.

Do not live in the past, do not worry about the future. Experience and enjoy the moment.
Happiness is to act according to circumstances, whatever they are.

[History Chan]

Saturday, November 20, 2010

What Are Acceptable Bilaruben Levels

solution for cleaning brushes and avoid throwing them!

you ever forget to clean a brush after using it?
(tempera paints, watercolors, paint, polish the fimo ..)
Here, the brush there is so clogged that not even the color of water with soap can work wonders.

Well ... I found the solution to clean them ^ ^
Take a little cotton and wet it with acetone, then slowly went to clean the bristles of the brush: dall'attaccatura lots of bristles and glide towards the end of these so as to take away the color or the paint without damaging the bristles of the brush .
After about ten minutes, the brush is as good as new!
I recommend, in the end remember to rinse it with water and aciugare bristles.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Woodbury Commons Louis Vuitton


Save time at the computer? Yes, but also limit the damage due to too much movement with the mouse (I know something) and then spent money for massage therapists, osteopaths, etc.. That's what the so-called keyboard shortcuts , keyboard shortcuts. The most well known and used are certainly CTRL + C, CTRL + V, CTRL + X (cut copy paste), not forgetting the inevitable CTRL + Z (undo), a power that often many of us dream of having in real life. I also use a lot
Stamp, to make a "picture" of the screen and Alt + Tab to move from open windows.
Each program has its more or less useful shortcuts. I found a good list of shortcuts that apply to all windows programs on strategievincenti.net
Your advice?

Monday, November 15, 2010

How Can I Play Pokemon On My Computer

what not to do if you're not great cooks

Do not get groped by the beautiful colors of the fish at the fish. And even from the councils of fishmonger, clearly an expert in fish recipes. You risk as I do, I bought these beautiful fish and I tried to make a fish soup with the recipe for the fish lady. The soup has come for another delicious, but I spent the afternoon in a blender, food mill, fish bones, scales, heads ... The compliments of the guests have not paid off the fatigue and dirt tile in the kitchen.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

What Bmi Do Periods Stop/

not think about what to wear, think about the work

Unfortunately I do not know what the source of this advice, which I think is very apt, but probably comes from a newspaper for women.
Often women when they present themselves or their work, especially if a superior man thinks the time - and this means before, during and after the meeting - how are combed, you have to dress as if their lipstick is free ride, if their pronunciation is accent-free, in short, to make that impression. But when it comes to work we must think about work! Instead of focusing on ourselves we should be thinking: what does the customer / boss / colleague etc..? What can I do to facilitate your work? What are the needs of the person in front of me?
I believe that I will use this trick tomorrow ... comes the new boss!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Installing A Boat Toilet

Post Trauma

Only today I have overcome the trauma known as "Fucking-Lucca-Comics-fucking-Game ... fuck."
I prepared an outline of the days that I have seen to survive in that maras, but I did not lose time, it would be boring and most of all, I'm trying to forget!
I just say:
Huge queues in the car, File, Rain, Files, Fool, File, Cosplay (which give some color at least), Fool, umbrellas in your face, File, File, Rain, rain, showers , Crowd, Huge File, File giant endless trouble ... ... Rain, File, mad, mad, File, DESPAIR, File, fuck strategic shouted to the sky and ends Lucca.
I have not seen a * Beloved, I did less and the booty was loooong low.

thank: Richard
for infinite patience, Giulio for joining us and especially Julia, who jostle beside me.

than I expected and I have seen it coming, those that I should spend more time.

Special thanks:
responsible for the bracelets Hall C3 Piazza Napoleone, who made us lose a whole day. "You're a figliodituamadre .."

Summing up the main thing is being done anyway, but next time, I organize a dinner!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Brent Everett As A Bottom

Problem with fimo fimo soft

huge problem I faced with the fimosoft.
Until a few months ago I was sure that close the rolls of polymer clay with scotch tape was the best solution manterene to the soft dough until next use ... but maybe I was wrong!
rolls of polymer clay that I use most often soft to me were always the simple fact that were completed in a few weeks ... but the cakes that I used more rarely as they are now?
They have become very hard and CAN NOT PROVIDED!
Unbelievable really ... longer than the dough balls are unused, the more time passes after their initiation, the more you harden!
While cernit has not given me any problems, I rolls unused for months that are as soft as when I purchased ...
When I transferred all the dough balls from plastic drawers where I have always kept in a tin box (as I have heard that the plastic absorbs the dampness of the dough balls) ... hopefully good!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Regal Kitchen Pro Breadmaker Manual K6743

My World.

In my thoughts as usual, of course.
realize that on Thursday I graduate. Among very little, in 4 days.
think of the early universities still do not believe. I think of all the times that I was on the verge of giving up everything because "no, I can not" because I looked like a goal too far for me. And now missing four days. 12 minutes of discussion to end this adventure. I vaguely
salt that feeling of excitement that grips your stomach and you will create a vacuum. That sometimes I think it's almost just the fear of seeing the end it all rather than having to deal with the question before the commission.
On the other hand have not yet integrated into the new university. The course is fantastic (although I'm already thinking that I had thrown in something bigger than me having my exams in English and the well-known antagonistic relationship with MISUSE language, but I will have time to start banging my head on the wall in January ), but it is not "my" university is not "my" people, there is no "my" pace. It will matter to pass the time? Likely, the fact is that I feel totally out of place.
Then this is the period of change: a new university, new home and then new way of living. And finally, new awareness. I wrote my thesis on Martial Arts has made me think even more about what it means to practice. The new school and my new companions, my new family, made me realize even more how deep rooted in me this "love" and every day that passes more and more media and what I do not speak only of the time I dedicate this that has become a fixed appointment virtually every night (and I stress this not as an obligation in any way), it is natural for me now leave in the morning with my bag and I feel bad if for some reason i start with a shoulder strap normal for a few appointments because I can not get there in time to training and are then forced to skip it. It is now a necessity, not my physical ask me, is my mind, I could almost say my heart. I have to practice.
The interviews for the thesis helped me to know my teammates, to see with their own eyes what I see and I know they are not alone, but also made me reflect on some aspects of practice that perhaps had left there on the edge and now, instead, become central in my thoughts. To improve myself to be better for others.
If only I could bring here the whole chapter on research carried out just to read to you the fragments of the interviews and give you a piece of my world, this amazing world that martial arts and many times I tried to explain ( especially in the old blog) certainly not succeeding at all. I want to give to those who practice a different view of things and I do not pretend to say that this world is better than others, I would not, but certainly for me is different, "other." When I do something in the real world I do it first as a trainee and then as an inhabitant of reality. I feel almost silly to say.
Family, Commitment, Learning, Discipline, Devotion, Passion, Sacrifice, Completeness. This is my world.
So it is time to put aside the fear. The fear of anything: the change of the end of a cycle of not succeeding in the new, of not being enough.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Hider Plugs For Black People

Clean copper pots

photo by Lauri Koski via sxc.hu

The copper pans are great for cooking: they allow to keep the low heat and the food never burns. The jam is ready more quickly, the sauce is as good, the risotto does not stick and cooks evenly.
addition, the copper always makes a beautiful picture on the table, especially in traditional lunches.
For practical reasons the council copper pots with coated steel, which is not consumed as fast as the coating instead of tin. Unless you know a good plumber in the house.
to clean the copper is forbidden, of course, use the dishwasher.
The brilliance of copper, however, tends to disappear with time and contact with the food oxidizes the outer surface of the pan. A simple and cheap trick that taught me My mother-in-law to restore the original shine: wash the pots with salt and vinegar. It makes a batter with salt and vinegar, making sure to dissolve the salt. Then rub well with your hands, preferably gloved, on the surface to be cleaned. Finally, rinse well and polish with a clean cloth. You'll be amazed at the results obtained with this simple and inexpensive non-detergent.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What Is The Perfect Size

Evangelion 2.22

Let's talk.
I just finished watching Evangelion 2.22, the second film to understand.
Now ... do not tell me "we are redoing the anime series in four films with improved graphics" if the film then becomes 3 (because for the next says "outcome" so unless the second quarter does not review the film end then everything is reduced to 3) and if what I see has nothing to do with the series!
The first movie was very faithful, but this ... this no. This is spectacular, from graphics to new elements in history. I sprained my jaw and I hope to see that the walls are soundproof the house for not having dabbled in the neighborhood with my "ommioddio" and "Oooohh" and "aaaaah" and "but you can understand" and "and but this??" and the like.
Everything new, new characters, angels revised history magazine, surprises have come from a heart attack and then ... bon ending theme.
Oh no!
do not do this, do not you put a trailer to make me want to smash the screen of the Mac in frustration!
Now, I need someone who has seen, I have to, I need, I demand, someone you can talk about it!
And here I do not even spoilers for some unfortunate that even then spoil the story, but ... we need to share this state of pathos!

Monday, November 1, 2010

How To Apply Vitamin Capsules On Face

Differences between and cernit

cernit The polymer clay and two are both thermosetting polymer clay but have slight differences that now I'll try to tell you:

- The cernit during cooking tends to scurisi so the color will be less bright than the same color of a slab of polymer clay.

- Fimo is softer than the cernit, so it takes less time to consizionarlo.

- The cernit fimo and color ranges are different but both cooked at the same temperature.

- fimo The authority to stain his hands more than cernit.

- The cernit fimo and are commercially available in several formats: what are the most common cernit of 62g and 56g of Fimo

- The softness of the dough balls, both of which fimo cernit may also change from color to color.
(such as a stick of red can be pious fimo soft polymer clay with a stick of black)