Clean copper pots
photo by Lauri Koski via
The copper pans are great for cooking: they allow to keep the low heat and the food never burns. The jam is ready more quickly, the sauce is as good, the risotto does not stick and cooks evenly.
addition, the copper always makes a beautiful picture on the table, especially in traditional lunches.
For practical reasons the council copper pots with coated steel, which is not consumed as fast as the coating instead of tin. Unless you know a good plumber in the house.
to clean the copper is forbidden, of course, use the dishwasher.
The brilliance of copper, however, tends to disappear with time and contact with the food oxidizes the outer surface of the pan. A simple and cheap trick that taught me My mother-in-law to restore the original shine: wash the pots with salt and vinegar. It makes a batter with salt and vinegar, making sure to dissolve the salt. Then rub well with your hands, preferably gloved, on the surface to be cleaned. Finally, rinse well and polish with a clean cloth. You'll be amazed at the results obtained with this simple and inexpensive non-detergent.
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