Sunday, January 2, 2011

Does Water Pipe Burst At 25 Degree

Production time of my creations

Hi all ^ ^
In this note I wanted to speak briefly of the planned state of my creations.
As you know, all my polymer clay creations are made entirely by hand and each of them there are different lead times, which vary depending on the complexity of creation.
Below we list some key points to divide the various stages of completion:

1. choice of pasta from synthetic and processing of the same:
the first step is to choose the color of the dough, if I do not have the right colors and of course I have to create model the dough until it becomes the soft skills to work.
This phase takes me 5-15min

2. realization of the subject:
the second step is the most important, the dough is shaped into various forms to achieve the final creation.
This process takes me away from 10-30min if one is created, if there are more creations (such as a bracelet) I can take up to 1 hour-1 hour and a half

3. Cooking
creations should be preserved as it does not harden air
This step takes me 20min , whether they have to cook one, whether you've got to cook together ten

4. finishing the subject:
with the help of permanent markers or acrylic paints or purple etc. ... I finish my creations
This step is not done for all the creations, and takes me away 10-30min depending on the finishing

5. securing hooks and paint:
the hooks are set with the super attack and then the creations are painted with a protective varnish
This miporta step away 5-20min depending on the size of the creation

6. assembly of the creations:
creations are mounted (with beads, chains, ribbons, etc. ..) or to create earrings or bracelets and necklaces to create
This step takes me 1min for simple earrings to 30min for bracelets complex

In short, the timing of implementation of:
a pair of earrings range from 1 - 2 hours
a bracelet range from 2-3h

with this note I hope to have explained better the phases of the development of my creations and of course that you have understood, since the time of creation, because the minimum price of a pair of earrings is $ 5.


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